roundtec RD

ROUNDTEC RD Stainless Steel trims for stair nosing

ROUNDTEC RD Stainless Steel trims for stair nosing

Stainless steel and brass profiles Ideal for finishing the edge of ceramic steps, protecting it from scratches and avoiding the corner at a sharp angle. Ideal for domestic and commercial applications.

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  • Roundtec RD-O in Brass - Natural or Polished

    ROUNDTEC RD-ON Brass Due to its unique shape and the intrinsic qualities of the material, this brass profile guarantees resistance to chemical and mechanical stress and wear. It is used indoors and outdoors, particularly suitable for areas with heavy, industrial traffic as well as for elegant residential detailing. Available in natural brass (ON) or polished brass (OL).

    Brass / Natural
    H (mm) Art.
    8 RD 80 ON
    10 RD 100 ON
    12,5 RD 125 ON
    15 RD 150 ON
    Brass / Polished
    H (mm) Art.
    8 RD 80 OL
    10 RD 100 OL
    12,5 RD 125 OL
    15 RD 150 OL

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