stairtec SW

STAIRTEC SW anti-slip stair nosing trims

STAIRTEC SW anti-slip stair nosing trims

STAIRTEC SW 10 AS is an innovative, silver anodised aluminium non-slip profile: an excellent and durable alternative to adhesive mineral grain strips. The grooved, thin, non-slip T-shaped section can be integrated to natural stone and wood stairs. Install the profile off-site.

Come posare i paragradini STARITEC SW

INSTALLATION: 1. Drill a 3.5mm hole in wood (4mm in stone). 2. Make sure the hole is at least 9mm deep. 3. For wood stairs, simply hammer the profile into place. 4. For natural stone stairs, insert the profile and use the appropriate adhesive

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  • Stairtec SW-A in Anodized Aluminum

    STAIRTEC SW 10 AS Silver anodised aluminium This profile has a silver coating, suitable for both indoor and outdoor application with good resistance to oxidation.

    Aluminum /
    øxH (mm) Art. Color
    10 SW 10 AS Silver

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