showertec STC-DP



SHOWERTEC BALCONIES STC-DP is a horizontal sloped perimeter drain system with rectangular cross-section made of thermoplastic TPE material and resistant to impact and chemicals. It is used for perimeter drains of balconies and terraces. Il sistema presenta un tubo di scarico a sezione squadrata e una flangia rettangolare rivestita da TNT per adattarlo al parapetto e per fornire un‘adeguata superficie di incollaggio alla membrana impermeabilizzante FOILTEC. It is ready to be installed with the supplied FOILTEC gusset, suitable for connecting it perfectly to the BALCOTEC system. The package contains 2 drains and 2 FOILTEC gussets.

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  • Scarico perimetrale per terrazzi

    The horizontal bonding flange is manufactured from thermoplastic material and has a TNT-coated surface and FOILTEC gusset suitable for perfect connection to the secondary waterproofing system of the terrace. The package contains 2 drains and 2 gussets.

    H (mm) Art.
    50 STC-DP 50 SET

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