mosaictec RJM
MOSAICTEC RJM rounded trims for mosaics

MOSAICTEC RJM rounded trims for mosaics
The patented MOSAICTEC RJM profile with new X-shaped flange ensures mechanical bonding with standard square glass mosaics. The rounded, symmetrical visible element is ideal for detailing external corners and stair nosing.
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Mosaictec RJM-A in Anodized or Polished Aluminum
This profile has a silver coating (AS) which offers adequate resistance to use and wear. The polished surface finish of this profile, available in bright polished chrome (KJ**ASB), is highly resistant to oxidation and especially suited for matching polished bathroom accessories and elegant residential detailing.
Aluminum / Anodized
H (mm) Art. Color 4,4 RJM 44 AS Silver Aluminum / Bright Polished
H (mm) Art. Color 4,4 RJM 44 ASB Silver 4,4 RJM 44 AOB Gold
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