Coflex CM

COFLEX CM joints: modular system of different heights for mortar beds

COFLEX CM joints: modular system of different heights for mortar beds

COFLEX CM is a modular expansion joint system composed of clips that vertically interlock to create movement joints that match the height of the mortar bed + tile flooring. The system consists of two co-extruded clips: open clips (CM 200 P) which click into each other at 15 - 20mm intervals to achieve the desired height, and a closed clip (CM 300 P) with an upper visible surface placed at the floor level to receive the tile edge. Ideally used in retail shops, hotels, sports facilities and schools. Suggested floor bays: 16 - 25m2.

How to install joints COFLEX CM

INSTALLATION: • Align and position the expansion joint so that it slightly protrudes above the mortar bed. • Lay the tiles as normal. • Level the joint until it is completely embedded and flush with the tile edge. • Completely fill the residual space between the profile and tile with grout.

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