trimtec TR

TRIMTEC TR: multipurpose profiles in different materials

TRIMTEC TR: multipurpose profiles in different materials

TRIMTEC TR is a complete range of brass, aluminium and stainless steel trim profiles designed for fast and efficient installation of any flooring type, regardless of size and thickness. TRIMTEC TR is available in various heights from 2 to 30 mm, matching different tile thicknesses. In the aluminium and brass versions, a dovetail groove maximizes the grout grip and edge protection for both vertical and horizontal tile laying. TRIMTEC TR profiles are conceived for tile laying, but can also be used with other types of flooring such as stone, wood and industrial resin floors. TRIMTEC TR profiles are mainly used as transition trims between two types of flooring (for example between tiling and moquetteing) and as expansion joints when two lengths are laid side by side. They can also be used as trimming for ceramic skirtings and as edge protection for any floor thickness. In some cases the profiles may be used as entrance mat framing.

TRIMTEC TR Curveline: the bendable version of the TR

TRIMTEC TR series is also available with a specially-cut flange that allows shaping for curved edges and inlays. To order: add the letter D to the product code.

TRIMTEC TR how to install

1) Choose the trim size according to the tile thickness. The trim should be 0.5+/-1mm lower than the tile, therefore not exceeding the height of the tile. 2) Apply tile adhesive. 3) Cut the profile to required length, leaving extra space for linear expansion. The perforated flange of the trim is then firmly embedded into the adhesive and aligned. 4) Trowel an additional layer of adhesive over the perforations in the profile and in the dovetail groove of the vertical section. 5) Leave a tiny gap of approximately 0.5+/-2mm between the trim and the tile for final grouting.

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  • Trimtec TR-I in Stainless Steel AISI 316 - DIN 1.4401 - Polished

    Stainless steel profile, ensures excellent resistance to corrosion.Used mainly in the food and chemical sector: butchers, public kitchens, laboratories, hospitals and bathrooms.AISI 316 stainless steel is used in marine environments. Although it has better corrosion resistance characteristics than all other steels, before using it in particularly aggressive environments, check its suitability for use. Not to be used in environments where products or materials containing chlorine are used.Available with polished surface (IL)

    Stainless Steel 316 / Polished
    H (mm) Art.
    6 TR 60 ILM
    8 TR 80 ILM
    10 TR 100 ILM
    11 TR 110 ILM
    12,5 TR 125 ILM
    15 TR 150 ILM
  • Trimtec TR-A in Aluminum - Natural or Anodized

    This profile is produced in conformity with UNI standards. It has limited mechanical and chemical resistance. During installation, excess adhesive and grout should be removed immediately to avoid stains. The exposed surface may change color or darken over time.

    Aluminum / Natural
    H (mm) Art.
    2 TR 20 AN
    3 TR 30 AN
    4,5 TR 45 AN
    6 TR 60 AN
    8 TR 80 AN
    10 TR 100 AN
    11 TR 110 AN
    12,5 TR 125 AN
    15 TR 150 AN
    17,5 TR 175 AN
    20 TR 200 AN
    22,5 TR 225 AN
    Aluminum / Anodized
    H (mm) Art. Color
    2 TR 20 AS Silver
    3 TR 30 AS Silver
    4,5 TR 45 AS Silver
    6 TR 60 AS Silver
    8 TR 80 AS Silver
    10 TR 100 AS Silver
    11 TR 110 AS Silver
    12,5 TR 125 AS Silver
    15 TR 150 AS Silver
    17,5 TR 175 AS Silver
    20 TR 200 AS Silver
    22,5 TR 225 AS Silver
  • Trimtec TR-O in Brass - Natural or Polished

    This brass profile is produced with first grade raw material, guaranteeing resistance to chemical and mechanical stress and wear. It is particularly suitable for areas with heavy, industrial traffic as well as for domestic use. Moisture and corrosive agents may oxidize the exposed surfaces. Buffing the profile with conventional polisher will bring back its shine in no time. Available in natural brass (ON): minimum quantity required for this option.

    Brass / Natural
    H (mm) Art.
    2 TR 20 ON
    3 TR 30 ON
    4,5 TR 45 ON
    6 TR 60 ON
    8 TR 80 ON
    10 TR 100 ON
    12,5 TR 125 ON
    15 TR 150 ON
    17,5 TR 175 ON
    20 TR 200 ON
    22,5 TR 225 ON
    25 TR 250 ON
    27,5 TR 275 ON
    30 TR 300 ON
    Brass / Polished
    H (mm) Art.
    2 TR 20 OL
    3 TR 30 OL
    4,5 TR 45 OL
    6 TR 60 OL
    8 TR 80 OL
    10 TR 100 OL
    12,5 TR 125 OL
    15 TR 150 OL
    17,5 TR 175 OL
    20 TR 200 OL
    22,5 TR 225 OL
    25 TR 250 OL
    27,5 TR 275 OL
    30 TR 300 OL

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