leveltec RP

LEVELTEC RP Transition trims to be used after flooring installation

LEVELTEC RP Transition trims to be used after flooring installation

LEVELTEC RP is a series of profiles with a terminal or connecting function between floors of different nature and thickness. These profiles also cover any chipping of the ceramic edge and imperfect cuts of wood or carpet floors. The LEVELTEC RP series consists of profiles with heights between 4.5 ÷ 12.5 mm, capable of compensating for height differences of 3 ÷ 14 mm. The profile is normally supplied with adhesive of high sealing properties. They are also available in a drilled version for fixing with screws and dowels.

LEVELTEC RP: transition profile in different dimensions

Smooth and grooved LEVELTEC profiles in varying widths and heights transition floors of different elevations. Their sectional thickness makes them especially suitable for high traffic areas and the end detailing allows frictionless contact between the profile and floor.

LEVELTEC RP how to install

Installation of self-adhesive version: 1) Make sure the base is solid, flat, level, clean, and dry. 2) Cut the profile to the desired length and remove adhesive backing. 3) Press uniformly downwards on to the profile to apply. Do not hammer. Installation of pre-drilled version: 1) Cut the profile to the desired length and mark the position of the pre-drilled holes. 2) Fasten with flathead screws.

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