zerotec ZR

ZEROTEC ZR Transition trims for floors with different heights and of different materials

ZEROTEC ZR Transition trims for floors with different heights and of different materials

ZEROTEC ZR allows the installer to perfectly match different floor levels when laying ceramic tile or wood flooring over an existing floor. Because of the slope, ZEROTEC profiles are ideal in passage areas for hand trolley and cars, while providing edge protection resistant to vertical loads. The brass version is recommended for industrial applications in garages and shopping centers. Available in aluminium and brass with patented vertical dovetail anchoring.

ZEROTEC ZR Curveline: bendable version of the Zerotec

Some ZEROTEC ZR profiles are also available with a specially-cut flange that allows shaping for curved edges and inlays. To order: add the letter D to the product code.

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