Copritec CP

COPRITEC CP joint covers for large buildings

COPRITEC CP joint covers for large buildings

In industrial and commercial flooring, large continuous structural bays, and between two bearing structures, a separation joint cover is needed to allow differential movement between adjacent materials. COPRITEC CP is equipped with a unique self-adhesive that provides excellent movement absorption. If using screws to anchor the profile, apply the screws on only one side, allowing the other side to move freely, accommodating contraction and expansion. This profile is also suitable as bumper protection for stretchers and as wall protection rails in public buildings.

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  • Copritec CP-I in Polished AISI 430 Stainless Steel

    COPRITEC CP-IL* Polished Stainless Steel AISI 430 The polished surface of this stainless steel profile is covered by a protective film that ensures resistance to weathering and mechanical impact. Thickness: 1.2mm. Available with movement absorbing self-adhesive (ASA) or without adhesive (ILN).

    Stainless Steel 304 / Polished
    B (mm) Art. Installazione
    60 CP 60 ILA Self-Adhesive
    80 CP 80 ILA Self-Adhesive
    100 CP 100 ILA Self-Adhesive
    60 CP 60 ILN not Adhesive
    80 CP 80 ILN not Adhesive
    100 CP 100 ILN not Adhesive
  • Copritec CP-A in Anodized Aluminum

    COPRITEC CP 80 AS* Silver anodised aluminium This profile has a silver coating suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications with good resistance to oxidation and mechanical impact. Available with movement absorbing self-adhesive (ASA) or without adhesive (ILN).

    Aluminum / Anodized
    B (mm) Art. Color Installazione
    80 CP 80 ASA Silver Self-Adhesive
    80 CP 80 ASN Silver not Adhesive
  • Copritec CP-O in Polished Brass

    COPRITEC CP-OL* Polished brass The polished surface of this brass profile is covered by a protective film that ensures resistance to corrosion and mechanical impact. Thickness: 1.2mm. Available with movement absorbing self-adhesive (ASA) or without adhesive (ILN).

    Brass / Polished
    B (mm) Art. Installazione
    60 CP 60 OLA Self-Adhesive
    80 CP 80 OLA Self-Adhesive
    100 CP 100 OLA Self-Adhesive
    60 CP 60 OLN not Adhesive
    80 CP 80 OLN not Adhesive
    100 CP 100 OLN not Adhesive

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