Copritec CPM450

The structure of the COPRITEC CPM joint covers

The structure of the COPRITEC CPM joint covers

Copritec CPM 450 is the fixing module to be combined with Copritec CPML and CPMP sheets.The profile is made up of two lateral elements which act both as a fixing system with screws and dowels, and for containing and moving the aluminium sheet supplied in the width to measure.

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  • Jointec CPM 450 AS fixing module in Anodized Aluminum

    Profiles with aluminium structure covered with stainless steel which gives a valuable aesthetic effect and resistance to the main diluted chemical products.The section does not perfectly correspond to the drawing. Resinprene insert available in Cement grey (A23) or Black (A51) colors.Insert: resiprene - standard or smooth version on request.

    Sezione tecnica Giunti Copritec CPML CPMP Profilitec
    H (mm) Art. Finishing Variant
    45 CPM 450 AS Anodized Silver
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