Coflex CRT

Coflex CRT with triaxial connection function for the Coflex CR profile

Coflex CRT with triaxial connection function for the Coflex CR profile

Synthetic Resin Triaxial CRT Fitting to be used when laying the Coflex CR profile. It allows the creation of perfect joints to connect the profile adequately and precisely, available in the same colors as the CR profile.

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  • COFLEX CRT-P Synthetic coextruded external corner fitting

    Synthetic resin triaxial fittings to create perfect two or three way joints or to close the profile adequately and precisely. Available in Pure White (P11), Concrete grey (P23) or Dark Beige (P32) colors.

    H (mm) Art. Variant
    CRT P23 Embossed Cement Grey
    CRT P11 Pure White
    CRT P32 Dark Beige
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