Jointec GCR

GCR synthetic gasket to be combined with the GC joint

GCR synthetic gasket to be combined with the GC joint

GCP synthetic gasket in synthetic resin, to be combined with the GC base profile. The coupling of the GC profile and the GCP gasket allows you to create an expansion joint for casting joints.The joint GC series allows, by virtue of its modularity, to be combined with the special soft PVC profile article GCR obtaining a joint of double consistency and with high absorption and movement capacities necessary, for example, in casting.

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  • Jointec GCR-P Resinflex seal

    JOINTEC GCR 80 P23 Rensinflex Synthetic Resin This profile is conceived to snap onto two JOINTEC GC profiles mounted back-to-back to create separation joints within the mortar bed.

    Sezione tecnica Giunti Jointec GCR 80 Profilitec
    H (mm) Art. Variant
    80 GCR 80 P23 Embossed Cement Grey
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